Leader Health & Development

“The way of the Christian leader is not the way of upward mobility in which our world has invested so much, but the way of downward mobility ending on the cross.” 

― Henri J.M. Nouwen,

“We long to be an alliance of people and churches developing one another into the deeper life for mission.”

The CCD is committed to leader development, whether it be identifying emerging leaders, vetting leaders for licensing and ministry, developing leaders through Core Training for ordination or ongoing development or helping faithful leaders finish well.

Through Leader Health and Development, we seek to come alongside leaders and churches to develop one another into a deeper life for mission. We desire holistically healthy leaders who live from their own transformation to lead people to experience true transformation in Christ. We want to develop leaders who walk with people, helping them growing in their character as disciples and their competence as leaders, and leaders who, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, create disciples who look more and more like Jesus with the fruit of the Spirit growing in and through them. The development of healthy leaders and healthy churches leads to a healthy mission.

“Believing Jesus means you’re willing to risk everything you are and everything you have based on everything He taught and everything He did. It means learning to love Him more than you love your own life.”

— Lisa Sharon Harper

Emerging Leaders

The Central Canadian District seeks to equip and empower you as you explore and discern your calling.


If you feel God has called you into ministry and you wish to work as part of The Alliance Canada family, the next step is to begin the licensing process.

A deeper life generated through the infilling of the Holy Spirit has the capacity to release powers beyond our imagination.

Ongoing Development